And How!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Puppy News!

This is an update on my potential parents of the puppy.

I have emailed the breeder over the weekend as I didn't hear anything from her about the parents in quite some time. The mother, Kylee, went into her cycle early last week and was bred with the father, Will, on Thursday (May 26th). That was the same day of my convocation ceremony at the university. How special is that? Maybe I did really get a puppy for graduation! Cherie (the breeder) said that she would continue to keep me up to date on the progression of the pregnancy and the hopeful future pups. Also, if the pregnancy is successful the potential birthday of the litter will be July 28th, 2011. I did some figures and I think I'd expect my pup at the last of September (26th-28th).

So it made me think about dog pregnancy and that I know very little about the biological time frame of a dog's pregnancy. Here's what I found out:
There are three distinct stages of pregnancy in dogs.

The first stage is the most obscure. Pregnancy is very difficult to determine in the first few weeks after breeding. There are little change in the mother's nipples, appetite, or behaviour. By the third week, the embryos are multiplying and implant in the uterus. At about 26-36 days a vet can palpate and confirm the presence of puppies in the mother's tummy.

The second stage is the most vulnerable for the pups. Eyes, faces and spinal cords begin to form and by the 5th or 6th week puppies double in size (20-30 cm). The fetus' look like puppies at this stage with toes, claws, and whiskers but the eyes are closed. The bodies are developed enough to determine sex and heartbeats are heard in the mothers tummy.

The third stage is where the pups continue their development in the womb and begin to move around while the mother's body is preparing for the birthing process. The pups usually take one of two positions in the womb: Anterior (nose first in the birth canal) or Posterior (tail first). They are enclosed in two sacs, one of which will break during the birth and the second will be broken by the mother after the birth.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Reading Review # 3: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Breed Special by Dog Fancy Magazine

I bought this magazine over the Victoria Day weekend at a local PetSmart. Now I've been reading a lot over the past 6 months and I've been picking up various dog magazines in between the books I've been reading. But until now none have been basically breed specific. Needless to say, I was very excited to see this in the store. It covers various topics and spotlights different owners and their dogs. It even talks about the American CKC Spaniel Clubs and their connections or lack thereof to the American Kennel Club. I really liked the section on the use of CKC Spaniels as Therapy Dogs. It's also interesting to read about the medical conditions prone to the breed due to poor breeding among dogs.

OTHER NEWS:It's my graduation week here so I've officially got my graduate degree in hand. Family is visiting and of course I've been secretly talking about dogs around my grandmother and slightly with my mother. Unfortunately my father, who knows I want to be a dog owner, doesn't think I should be getting a dog right now. I can understand that but I also understand that I have my own head and heart constantly in battle over the proper time to become an owner. It's been difficult deciding that I am ready but I know I will be looking for more work in the future. That was why I started saving for my pup's expenses. Any responsible owner will do what he or she has to in order to be keeping up with their pet's health. I see people who are my age or younger getting animals when they have no idea about training or upkeep. They manage to do it and I feel that I would also manage to do it too. I'd love to have a steady job but most of the work I'll be doing over the next few years may be contingent on contractual positions. Regardless I will be working.

Since my breeder only breeds her dogs occasionally I think now is the time for my dog to come. It won't be until early fall before I get her anyway so I think minds may change by then. Sometimes its just difficult to mediate what others think is the best choice for you and what you think is the best choice for yourself. A dog that I can spend time training and loving will be wonderful for my quality of life. End of the argument.

Friday, May 20, 2011

New Book! (Not a review)

I got a new book yesterday at the local Chapters-Indigo. This book I had previously looked at when my lovely friend Hannah had purchased the only copy a few months back. It looked really great.

Since I'm getting ready for the dog I have been reading non-stop and I haven't particularly focused on games. I thought I should probably start. This book seems to include quite a bit of variant training games. I'll write a full review when I've completed the book as I always try to do.

Updates: I am beginning to become very excited about being a dog owner and sometimes I get "cold paws" about the whole thing. I know that I'm ready but now that it's for real I have the natural tendency to panic but not for fear of ownership but for fear of improperly training or giving the dog too much at once. I know that owning a dog is nothing like motherhood. I've been quite adamant about humanizing dogs in the past. But a dog is a companion, one that we as humans seem to become very attached and involved with. The reality is that my fears are for altruistic reasons and somewhat related to being a responsible adult.

A Note Further on Humanizing Dogs:
I'm not about to stand high on my pedestal and scream at the world for treating their animals like humans. Instead, I just want to write about how I feel about MY OWN actions toward humanizing a pet. Firstly, I think dressing a dog up in a costume on Halloween is acceptable (not because he or she will look like a human but because its a tradition and most often dogs are as involved in our traditions as we are). I don't think the dog should be dressed up on a regular day, especially if the dog is noticeably uncomfortable because of the clothing. Keep in mind that when we dress our dogs up it is purely for HUMAN enjoyment and not for the dogs themselves. Secondly, calling your self a "mom" and relating it to human parentage is completely inappropriate. I won't call you out for it in public but I might scowl. Being a parent to a human child is a totally different world than being a pet-parent. I don't object to using baby speak as long as you don't stand up to the value that having a fur-baby is exactly like having a real one. Lastly, dogs are indeed dogs so we need to respect them for that. There is no place at a table for dogs in public spaces, there is no need to leave their faecal matter on streets shared with humans, and nobody wants to see your dog confined to a purse when it is perfectly capable of carrying it's own weight around (the only acceptable reason for pursing a dog is fatigue or weather).

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Shopping: PetSmart St. John's Grand Opening

Since PetSmart ( a chain pet store ) opened in St. John's today. Myself and a couple of friends headed up to see what specials and deals were on. Normally I'm not about buying from a chain store but since I'm on a budget and I decided picking up some Kong toys needed to happen pre-puppy to take the financial load off I went to the store to save myself some money. I will be buying food from a local store that buys only smaller company foods which are healthier than box brand foods. I'm thinking about feeding raw but I am unsure if I can afford that.

This is about the haul from this store. I have pretty much everything I need training wise. I am waiting to pick up things like nail clippers, leash and collar, water bowl, toothpaste, shampoo, etc. until later. I did pretty good today too. I only spent $50 for all of the stuff pictured below and used this week's savings to buy these things.

Check it out.


Thursday, May 12, 2011


I got word back from Cherie. It was very nice. Hense I will share.

I certainly can add you to the list for the litter this summer. I will let you know when I breed her so you will have some notice as to when to expect their arrival. We all enjoyed your visit yesterday and we all feel very comfortable knowing that your new puppy will be loved as much as ours are.

And I'll be in touch.

Finalizing my place on the Puppy Waitlist.

So I've made a permanent decision for the pup's arrival. I will be getting the dog late this summer. I opted for the second litter in the end. It's a better decision for me which means it's a better decision for the dog in the long run. Things are a bit heavy for me right now so the second litter means 63+ 8 weeks extra time for me outside of the actual conception.

I've decided that I like Rubies and Blenheims. As for sex I am happy with either but I'd perfer a male.

Below I've copied an email I sent to the breeder regarding me on the waitlist.
Hi Cherie,

Thank you for opening up your home and thanks to you and your family for being so helpful. It's easy to see how much you love your dogs and how great of a breeder you are. If you don't mind I'd like you to put me down on your list for the pups late this summer. It will be better for me to have time to prepare everything and since that was my original plan date I think I'd rather stick with it (Even though I love the pups you have now). I don't know what you'll need from me if anything right now. I'd love to hear about the progress and such (How Keily is doing etc.) I also think I'm partial to Rubies and Blenheim. As for sex, I am not particular though males are generally what I've owned in the past. I'm sure the girls will be excited to know that I'll be back.

Take care,


I'll keep posting when I hear back from her. It'll be nice once she confirms the deal. It looks as though Hannah and I will be getting our dogs in the same time frame. It'll be wonderful.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Meet the Parents

I just got back from an amazing meeting with a potential breeder. My friends and I took to the Goulds, NL to visit Cherie Williams and her dogs tonight. I have been speaking with her for a little while now and she is an expert when it comes to Cavaliers even though she's only had this business for 6 years.

She has 4 Cavaliers, Will, Amber, Kylie, and another Ruby Male that's not on the premises since Amber is weaning pups. We entered her lovely home and were welcomed by the happy little pups that she owns. They offered us tea/water and we sat and chatted with her and her husband. Her two daughters were also there and they had a lot to say as well.

Olivia (one of her daughters) brought out a 4H project she did on the dogs. Then we went in to visit the current litter of puppies that Cherie has. She had 6 pups (2 black and tans, and 4 rubies) they were amazing little pups. Cherie explained how she was getting them used to being handled by the paws and ears. This was very refreshing. She and her family talked for an hour and a half about the dogs. It was so clear they love them.

I really would have loved to go with one of the current litter but I don't think that I will be able to take one until the next litter. Kylie and Willie will be bred soon as the female goes into heat (in the next couple of weeks) then the dogs will be born 63-days from then. Ready 8 weeks after that.

I love this breeder so much. I am definitely going to buy from them. It will be good but I think that I will have to go with the later litter for financial reasons. It seems as though these people like to keep in contact about the progress of their dogs.

I am ever sure that I want this type of dog. It needs to be soon too. I can't imagine being dog-less any longer. It's a hard thing to keep my family in check about the dog. But I think about how much time can be wasted by not living when we should be. In the next week or so I expect to make a final confirming decision on the dog. I have to decide several things by then.

The first is what colour? Blenhiem, Ruby, Tri-colour, or Black and Tan. I am partial to black and tan initially but I love them all. I think I'd like a ruby if I could get one by the end of the summer. I am very excited by all of this commotion and it's good that I had friends go to visit as well because I got to see how the people interacted with them as well as myself.

It's due to good breeders like Cherie and her family that pure breeds are continuing healthy and happy. Thanks to them for that.