And How!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Interesting Tidbit: Listography

Today I was reading and I came across an interesting little activity. It said to make a list of 10 training goals for your puppy, this way you get to work on training without thinking about what it is you're going to do. This makes it easier to practice training as an everyday habit.

So with my handy-dandy pencil in hand I took to the paper to see what kind of goals I could come up with:

1. I'd like my puppy to sit when greeting people entering the home.

2. I'd like my puppy to heel to me on command when on the lead.

3. I'd like my puppy to lie down when I sit or relax in the home.

4. I'd like the puppy to lie down before I give an employment tool (chew or game).

5. I'd like my puppy to stay-sit when I leave the room unless asked to come.

6. I'd like my puppy to respond to the leave it command when I want him to drop a toy.

7. I'd like the puppy to recall when in the presence of others.

8. I'd like my pup to learn the speak command when asked.

9. I'd like my pup to lay on his pillow or kennel when I am resting for longer periods of time (watching tv or a movie).

10. I'd like my puppy to come and lie in his kennel when it's time to go or it's sleep time.

Some of these tasks are obviously more direct than others. However, I've attempted to keep the tasks fairly simple so that the puppy will learn quickly. These are also tasks that can be build upon in the future to do specific tasks.

Example: Both Heeling and Recall are great for agility competition training.

They are also a non-exhaustive list of things that I want to value. I plan on playing the magnet game from an early age so that I may reward only those naturally occurring behaviours that I find valuable. I can't wait for some of this stuff to become useful. I find having something like this list as a guide will save me a lot of time when I'm working on training my dog.

It's also 3 days before the puppy's birthdate. I'm very excited about this. It'll be a for sure thing when I actually know there is a living, breathing, creature that is mine. Still looking forward to a few pictures of the pregnant Kylee (mum) before she's due. Gosh there's just so much to get done.

Monday, July 18, 2011

News! Update! Video Seminar!

Well today has been pretty productive puppywise. I emailed Cherie earlier this morning about how Kylee is doing and when the puppy's are to be expected. It's 10 days before they are to be born. Here's what I recieved:

Hi Melissa,

Unfortunately I'm working so I can't enjoy the sun today :-(

Kylee's belly is growing bigger everyday. She looks very healthy and is still fairly active considering she is scheduled to have her litter in 10 days. We are all anticipating the big day, hoping and praying that is goes well, and that mom and pups are all healthy. I will let you know when the big day arrives, and I will also snap a few pictures of the expectant mom and forward them to you in the next day or so.

Enjoy the sun...


I'm super excited about this. I'll be bouncing around for the next 10 days. The other thing I'm a bit worried that there won't be 4 puppies. We don't know until the day but it'll be exciting. Cherie seems pretty positive about it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Also I got a few comments about my proposed training schedule for the first few weeks. I've got to say both Hannah and Christine have been very helpful and supportive. I think Hannah's ideas about a noise other than 'No' might be most useful. Either an ah-ah sound or something might work better. Which brings me to my next topic of discussion.

I've just finished Paul Owens Online Video Seminar on Habit Training. I've got to say for those of us who have read the book this video is a great way to solidify all of the information that we learned throughout the pages of the text. I've got to say that I like Paul Owens more and more each time I read something of his or see him teach. His main principles in training are Kindness, Compassion, and Respect.

"If our goal is peace then our means must be peaceful." Martin Luther King Jr.

The education process should be a positive one, especially for those dogs who are sensitive to so many things. Training shouldn't be a chore to be done but rather it should be gradually incorporated in one's life so that it become routine. Paul Owens also teaches based out of a substitute behaviour method. That means we typically answer the question :

What do you want your dog to do?
With less than reasonable answers such as:

"I want him to stop bolting out the door." "I want her to stop tearing up the cushions."

Instead of answering the question like this:

"I want my dog to sit when I open the door." "I want my dog to live freely in the house while I am gone". "I want my dog to come when I call him".

The key to prevention is often our response. We must respond pro-actively to what behaviours our dog is eliciting and forget about reactive.

There are 3 aspects to training a dog based on habits. 1) Contextual Learning- this is where we learn to speak dog. We must be aware of the signals our dog is giving us when learning a behaviour. Once we have trained a behaviour it can only become a habit if the skill is practiced in various combinations of contexts. It takes 21-28 days to form a habit. It also takes 1-3 years to reach emotional maturity as a dog. So, even if you think a dog is perfectly trained you must be aware that correct behaviours must be consistently rewarded until the animal reaches maturity. 2) Latency- We must also allow the dog time to think when we train. "Honey, honey, honey, honey, honey" is not beneficial to allowing a person to think, therefore "sit, sit, sit, sit, sit" will also be distracting to the animal who is trying to figure out what you want him or her to do. 3) Displacement Behaviours- once we work closely with our dogs to train them we must gradually attain a sense of what the dog is trying to communicate to us. For example, a dog may blink, yawn, sniff the ground, or paw when he is trying to think about what it is he has to do. Over time, we learn this signals and notice when they are communicating with us.

The seminar also did a load of demos with some shelter dogs such as leave it and boundary training.

Communication seems to be an important factor in training. For example, nobody should repeat commands, yell, or give conflicting signals (i.e. sit-down, sit-up) when training a new habit so we must be careful of what we are asking our dogs to do.

It's recommended by Paul and other trainers to spend a week without talking to your dog to get him to do something(no commands, no verbal praise, nada). Instead, just focus on what the dog is doing correctly. Giving a high value treat or reward for all correct behaviours that are done naturally by the dog. Lying down is one of the big ones. Paul recommends that this act should be highly rewarded as it is the one position that relaxes the body and mind of a dog. Acknowledgments should be given for natural sit position, down position, if your dog looks at you (this is like a check in where the dog is saying "how am I doing?", brings you a toy, or goes to it's spot.

Another very important task to reinforce is the dog's job. All dogs need employment or otherwise they are prone to self-employment (tearing up your cushions, drapes, tipping your plants over, or barking excessively). There are 3 games that Paul recommends. First, simple find it, then a nose-hunt find it, and finally peek-a-boo. The peek-a-boo game in particular is very good for emergency recall. If you didn't want to use the verbal cue "peek-a-boo" then you could use any other word "cookie" "bingo" "Here I am".

Paul then continues his seminar by explaining more complicated topics like the hierarchy of rewards, How to form a habit, and How to stay motivated when training. His motivation techniques really sing home for me who's just recently gotten back into a regular yoga practice routine (I'm also blogging about that see It's all about balance and if you aren't centred then training your dog would be much more difficult. Get happy, then Train happy!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Thinking about the first week.

It's sometimes more than one can handle when thinking about the arrival of your new best friend and how that's going to effect your life. In less than a month (22 days to be sure) the puppies will be here. Then 8 weeks will go by and suddenly my life will change for what I hope is going to be the best.

There will be a lot of changes and as most of my friends will tell you, I don't deal particularly well to huge changes. This means that for the first couple of weeks I usually end up crying and throwing a fit over something that's inevitable. Then I give up and just grow accustom to it like everyone else in the world.

So in an attempt to feel in control over what's going to happen with this little creature I've decided to plan like nobody's business. I know, I know, but you see writing all of the things I think I can handle during this week really helps me out. So here's what I've got for the 1st week:

Week 1

Bringing Puppy Home
  • Bring a crate and blanket to the breeders at pick-up. Socialize and settle the pup to your presence.
  • On the way home NO radio, NO sudden stops, NO breaks/errands. Keep it simple and quiet while in the car. Drive straight home and keep the car cool.
  • Once home give the pup time alone to get used to being separated from the other puppies. Keep the house quiet as any strange noises (outside of routine around the house jobs) may heighten pups stress level.
  • Check to see if the pup needs to go potty. Wait 15 minutes for pup to do business. If the pup didn't potty recrate and try again in a few minutes. When pup does go celebrate like nobody's business.
  • Inside work on training to sit and come. Play games once the pup does something right. After this session the pup may need to potty. Take it out. React as necessary.
  • Keep feeding on the regular schedule issued by the breeder. After eating or drinking puppy needs to go potty.
  • Puppy needs quiet time as well so make sure throughout the day the pup gets to spend time alone in his kennel while you are both in and out of the house. If you are in the house try putting the pup in another room for a few minutes. Toss in a few Kong toys for puppy to be occupied.
  • Repeat the potty, play, rest, and feeding schedule.
  • Puppy gets to go to bed at 8pm but must get up for potty before 11pm so that the pup can settle for the night as much as possible.
Puppy Makes itself at home.
Day 2-3 will be somewhat repetitive of day one. Alternate feeding, potty, play, potty, rest, potty, feeding...
  • Minimize contact to only those keywords you have decided upon, use both body and eye contact to help puppy understand you. (Note: Keywords found below
Keywords for Puppy's first few days:

After the Adjustment Period
Days- 4-7
  • Socialization begins inside the parameters of the Training Schedule (see below)
  • Welcome friends and family to see the puppy but be sure to inform them that you are in-training and adjustment periods so as not to get the puppy over-excited. Teach these people how you have been play-training with the new pup in your own home. Use food as treat reward instead of high calorie alternatives.
  • Enjoy your new dog and don't forget the work will be worth it in the long run of life.
Schedule for Potty Training:

7am-Potty and Training

730am- Feeding time

8am- Potty and Celebrate

9am- Crate with lots of Kong activities.

1030am- Potty Break Quick

12pm- Lunchtime potty, feeding, potty, play.

3pm- Potty Break Quick

5pm- Potty, Food, Potty, Exercise, Play

7pm- Training, Potty and Celebrate

8pm- Bedtime

10-11pm- Potty Break Quick & Back to Bed

***Periodic Potty through the night may be necessary set alarm to check***