And How!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Trials and Tribs

It's been awhile since updating. I'm still actively seeking dog ownership. The problems that have arisen now were quite unexpected. My landlords are now living home permanently and are now saying they do not want to allow any animals in their apartment at all. I haven't pushed it about asking again since they seem to be a bit picky. The options that result is that I tell them I'm going to look for another place and threaten the loss of a good tenant which might change their mind but as I have no idea what is going to happen this fall in terms of my employment I'm not ready to make these kinds of harsh judgements.

I'd really like to live elsewhere that would be open to pets but the other option, if I find a new place, that opens up is the possibility of rescuing a grey as opposed to the Cavalier (which I would have to wait a year anyway). So who knows. Play it by ear I suppose.

If anyone might know where I can live that's affordable then please let me know.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Puppy Born, Not mine though. Sadface. But Moving On.

So, I know I've been ranting and raving about an arrival of my very own Cavalier. Unfortunately, Kylee only gave birth to one tri-colour puppy and as I am 3rd on the breeder's list I will not likely get him.

There is an off-chance that the other two people are looking for a pup of a specific colour and coat and may not want the little lucky mongrel but since there are two people who have to say no I'm not placing my bets on it.

I'm sad but I'm moving on. I'm trying to find a breeder I'm satisfied with. I prefer not to ship a lone puppy on a plane if I don't have to. I'm checking in with one breeder in Paradise. But as they didn't reply back to me the last time I'm at a little bit of a loss.

I'm also reconsidering a greyhound rescue. I fell in love with them so long ago I don't even remember when it was. I know that they are my choice #2 for dogs and so perhaps if I can't find my very own Cav then I can help rescue a track dog.